Cub Scout Foundation meeting 2024

Asalam Alaikum Cub Parents!

We had a meeting yesterday after Duhr to discuss the trajectory of the
Cub scouts for this coming year and have some important and exciting
updates for everyone!

1. Combining Dens: It was decided that this year we will have
all dens in one scout and will discuss later how that will work with
the different requirements.

2. Parent participation: It is essential and mandatory that we
have parents participating in activities this year for your cub to
remain in the den. Our goal and intention is to assure we are
distributing the tasks and duties to optimize the den and assure it is
a beneficial and worthwhile experience for our cubs.

3. Centralized communication: Moving forward we will be using
the cub scout platform
communicate and transition away from Whatsapp in order to be
transparent and assure there is clear communication on activities.

4. Agenda for this year: Please utilize the Scout Handbook, trips ideas, or whatever activities you would like to see incorporated in the calendar for
this year.

We will have a meeting and each parent will be able to
share their list that will be utilized to plan out the activities for
this year Insha’allah.

5. Missing Sunday School: As we have discuss the interest in
having more camping and fieldtrips for this year, there will be times
that Sunday school will not be feasible.

The intention and goal for the Cub scouts this year is to assure it is
an immersive and impactful experience our cubs share with other fellow
Muslims that will Insha’allah contribute to their character and
identity as well as the opportunity to participate and experience
great adventure while building memories with their fellow Muslim Cub

Failure to follow the requirements mentioned above will lead to
possible interruption to the entire Cub Scout operation.

This year is also new for everyone as we implement the changes so we
appreciate grace and understanding as well as your feedback and
suggestions on what is beneficial and what can be improved. Jazakum
Allah Khair and May we all come in this year with the intention of
doing our best to please Allah and ask for his assistance and guidance
in this process.

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